
For this step of the process, I interviewed two potential users of the Friendship Trays website to gain insight on what would be important to focus on throughout the redesign. The interviewee's feedback will give direction to the specific ways that user interaction can be improved and the effectiveness of the site can be maximized.

Interviewee #1: Meredith Blumenfeld

Q: Why would you visit the Friendship Trays website?
A: To learn more about the organization/mission/values and logistics of getting meals to sick/elderly

Q: What information about the organization is important to you?
A: Specifics of operations/logistics; them being clear/upfront about how they use the money and in what specific ways; bios of executive board

Q: What specifically would you be looking for on the website?
A: see above

Q: What would make you more likely to contribute to the cause?
A: religious backing (Christian-affiliated)

Blumenfeld Pic

Interviewee #2: Lisa Holland

Q: Why would you visit the Friendship Trays website?
A: To learn more about the organization and what they do. I would want to see if I’m in agreement with their mission and want to support them/tell my church about them.

Q: What information about the organization is important to you?
A: The organization’s mission and who they are serving. What drives them? Are their values in line with mine?

Q: What specifically would you be looking for on the website?
A: Are they a Christian organization? If I agree with the mission, I might be looking for an online way to give.

Q: What would make you more likely to contribute to the cause?
A: Two factors would be a) if I agree with their cause and motivation and b) if I believe the people they are serving truly need the service and it is improving their lives.


From this interview, I learned that it will be important to display the organization’s mission and core values, as well as information about the people involved/running it, in order to give visitors a well-rounded understanding of the organization as a whole and what it stands for. These interviews also confirmed that it will be helpful to include a donation button so it will be simple for visitors to donate once they determine whether or not they want to contribute to the organization.