Design Challenge

For this step of the process, first conisder the problem that needs to be solved. Frame this problem as a design question and state the ultimate desired impact. Now, consider possible solutions to this problem and make note of the context and constraints. Finally, revise the original design question to be more specific.

What is the problem you're trying to solve?

To provide meals for sick and elderly individuals in the Charlotte area

Take a stab at framing it as a design question.

How does the Friendship Trays website help to provide meals for sick and elderly individuals in the Charlotte area?

Now, state the ultimate impact you're trying to have.

Increased donations and awareness of Friendship Tray's cause

What are some possible solutions to your problem?

More user-friendly: make text easier to digest (no large chunks) and better use of grid/organization to make site less visually overwhelming; more consistent branding across platforms; clear hierarchy

Finally, write down some of the context and constraints that you're facing.

Organization has a limited scope: only applies to Charlotte area; located Charlotte, so I am unable to conduct interviews/gather information in person unless I travel

Does your original question need a tweak? Try it again.

How can I create a more engaging website for Friendship Trays that will draw in more people around the Charlotte area to contribute to the organization's cause?